As part of a Christian community of students, families and staff one way that we show respect for ourselves and others is through the way that we dress. For students, the uniforms and dress codes have been created to help students present themselves in a way that honours God, their families and their school.
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Bethlehem College has an onsite and online uniform shop where students can purchase their summer, winter, PE and sports uniform requirements and accessories. There is also a range of second-hand uniforms available to purchase at the shop. Converseley, if you would like to donate or sell uniforms, please fill out this form and bring with items to the Uniform Shop. (Please only bring items that are in 'VERY GOOD' condition, thank you.)
The shop is open M/W/TH/F during term from 10 am - 4 pm (closed Tuesdays) and school holidays by appointment. Book a uniform fitting here.
Directions: Turn right at the chapel, left at the top of the hill, and the uniform shop is on your right, past the maintenance team.
To order online please click here or on the corresponding year group categories below:
- BC Primary (Y 0-6): Boys / Girls
- BC Junior Secondary (Y 7-9): Boys / Girls
- BC Senior Secondary (Y 10-13): Boys / Girls
- BC Sports (Y 0-13): Boys & Girls
- BC Chapman (Y 0-8): Boys / Girls
Online orders are dispatched after payment has been processed under 'Bethlehem Trading'. Pricing in NZ Dollars.
Please note: Your order will be dispatched after the payment has been processed which can take up to 24 hours. Online orders are dispatched when the shop is open and may be affected by School Holiday trading hours.
UNIFORM UPDATES (2 yr phase in/out)
- Please note that the new uniform change is effective from Term 1 2025. (Only new 2024 students will be wearing new uniforms in 2024.)
- Shoes: Summer (Black leather or leather look sandals with a front and heel strap OR winter shoes) & Winter (Black leather or leather-look polishable, lace up shoes [no sports, boots/fashion or canvas shoes] accompanied with BC uniform sock
- Primary: Boys (Long sleeve polo shirt for Years 3-6 for winter to replace the tucked in shirt) & Girls (Option in winter and summer to have existing dress OR skort/polo shirt combo. Long sleeve polo with winter pinafore, replacing winter blouse)
- Junior Secondary: Hat (Choice of BC cap or wide brimmed hat) & Girls (Knee length summer skirt and polo shirt for summer to replace the summer tunic. Option for girls to wear trousers year-round.)
- Senior Secondary: Boys (Optional Pasifika lavalava/sulu with sandals year-round. Trouser change to clerical grey.) & Girls (Optional trousers year-round. New open neck winter blouse to replace current winter blouse with bow.)
The uniform shop is preparing to offload excess stock being discontinued in 2025 and phasing in new uniform items. 2nd Hand Items: The following are no longer accepted, including Senior Girls winter blouse with bowtie/summer blouse, Senior Boys winter trousers, Junior Secondary Girls tunic dress, Primary Boys winter shirts size 4/6/8. We will still accept Primary Girls blouses in size 4/6/8 for donation to BC Chapman. Discounts on Discontinued Stock: Senior Girls summer blouse $33/winter blouse with bowtie $40, Senior Boys trousers $55, Junior Secondary tunic $85, Primary/Junior Secondary Boys winter shirt size 4/6/8 $40.