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Bethlehem College has a unique, wrap around care system where manaakitanga - the development of a culture of care - is intentional. Manaakitanga is expressed in the quality of our relationships: students to students/staff/families, staff to students/staff/families and parents to staff/students/parents. This results in an inclusive, safe and supportive community where each individual is valued as a gift from God. Our role is to help each student grow and develop an understanding of the unique gifts that God has given them to serve within the BC community and beyond. A major part of the delivery of manaakitanga is through a House system. There are six houses, each with a Pastoral Dean, that gather throughout the year to foster community and belonging through participation in various events and activities.

Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) was an English Christian missionary in China and Taiwan who worked to end the traditional Chinese practice of binding women's feet, led a large group of orphans out of occupied China and set up orphanages in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Aylward Crest: Top Left (walking with orphans), Top Right (travel by mules), Bottom Left (the gospel), Bottom Right (map of China)

'How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns' (Isaiah 52:7). 

Alfred Brown (1803-1884) was an English Christian missionary who went to New Zealand to bring Christianity to the Māori people. He spent much of his time at Te Papa Mission Station in Tauranga where he visited Māori   villages throughout the Bay of Plenty and Taupo regions.

Brown Crest: Top Left (tree representing knowledge and growth), Top Right (Alfred reaching out to Māori), Bottom Left (Bible keeps path straight), Bottom RIght (connection and family)

It was Alfred's goal to 'live and die a humble missionary'.

Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) was an Irish Christian missionary in India who opened an orphanage and founded a mission in Dohnavur. She served in India for 55 years and wrote 35 books about her work as a missionary.

Carmichael Crest: Top Left (Indian peacock), Top Right ('mother' in Indian), Bottom Left (synergy symbol), Bottom Right (God's eye of truth)

'You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving'.

James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was an English Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission. He spent 51 years in China, where he campaigned against the Opium trade. The society that he began started 125 schools, converted 18,000 to Christianity, and established more than 300 stations of work, with more than 500 local helpers in all eighteen provinces.

Hudson-Taylor Crest: Top Left (hands of teamwork), Top Right (unlocking of mind), Bottom Left (parable of talents), Bottom Right (silver fern growth)

'The real secret of an unsatisfied life lies too often in an unsurrendered will'.

Rachel Scott (1981-1999) was an American Christian student who was the first fatality of the Columbine High School massacre, in which 11 other students and a teacher also died. Through her example, Rachel's Challenge was created to make a positive impact in the lives of millions of people each year through school outreach and assembly programmes.

Scott Crest: Top Left (13 tears), Top Right (serving hands), Bottom Left (flame of Christ), Bottom Right (tears to beauty)

'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who've been called according to His purpose' (Romans 8:28).

Tarore of Waharoa (1824-1836) was the daughter of the Māori chief Ngakuku and is known for her martyrdom bringing peace and reconciliation through the spreading of the gospel amongst New Zealand tribes.

Tarore Crest: Top Left (age of Tarore), Top Right (gospel of Luke), Bottom Left (eternity together), Bottom Right (waihaka)

'From childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus' (2 Timothy 3:15). 

'This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you' (John 15:12).