Water Polo/Flippa Ball
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Year Groups: Y 3-13 in Term 1 and Y 3-10 in Term 4
Terms:1 & 4 
Venue:Y 3-6: Memorial Pool
Y 7-13: Toi Ohomai pool or Baywave
When:Y 3-6: Tue afternoons
Y 7/8: A&B Teams Tue night & C Teams Fri night
Y 9-13: Thu night
Cost: Y 3-6 $65
Y7-13 $195
Senior A Team $265
Parents and students
Teams:Y3-6: 7-10 per team
Y7-13 musters & trials held
Primary: own togs
Secondary: own togs, BC togs for tournaments

Staff in Charge: Christine Browne email

Administrator: Nicki Adshead email