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Faithful to Our Work and Serving Others

As leaders of Bethlehem College, we are committed to providing Excellence through Christ to challenge students to not only be more faithful, but more fruitful. We are called to encourage all of our students to grow in a vision to increasingly want to use their time and talents to honour and glorify God. We know that in serving and teaching others, we'll grow. They are blessed, we are blessed and God is glorified.

We can be faithful to our work and to serving others (and all sorts of things), but as a leadership team we acknowledge that we 'need' to be faithful to Jesus. Being faithful, by corporately asking for God's purposes to be central and for His power to strengthen us for His work, is part of that equipping and foundation that we need and share in together at Bethlehem College.

Larne Edmeades


'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control' 

(Galations 5:22).