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Through sporting endeavours, Bethlehem College aims to provide opportunities for students to be servant hearted and resilient competitors who are fully committed and purpose driven. Students are able to join team sports from Primary through the Sports Office who, along with teachers and parent volunteers, deliver the summer and winter sports programmes.  

Please click on the tile below to find out more about each sporting code and registration.

 The Sports Office can be reached by phone 07 579 1819 or email [email protected].

Summer Sports: Terms 1 & 4

Bethlehem College organises the following teams for summer sports and also partners with Otumoetai Cadets Cricket Club and seasonal leagues, as well as Bay Coast Rowing Club for rowing - contact these clubs directly for participating in a cricket or rowing team.

Winter Sports: Terms 2 & 3

Bethlehem College organises the following teams for winter sports. Rugby is combined with Otumoetai College and ACG.

Year-At-A-Glance Sporting Events

Jan: T1 Summer Sports Rego Closes

Feb: Summer Sports Begin / T2/3 Winter Sports Rego Opens / Athletics (Y9-13)

Mar: T 2/3 Winter Sports Rego Closes / Winter Sports Trials / AIMS Registrations / Summer Tournament Week

Apr: Winter Sports Begin / Summer Prizegiving

May: Cross-Country / AIMS Trials 

Jun:  Badminton


Aug: T4 Summer Sports Rego Open / Winter Tournament Week

Sep: T4 Summer Sports Rego Closes / AIMS Games (Y7/8) / Winter Prizegiving

Oct: Athletics (Y5-8) / Summer Sports Begin

Nov: Athletics (Y1-4) /Junior Summer Tournament Week

Dec: Athletics (BCC)

Contact the Sports Office on 07 579 1819 or [email protected]

'Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us' (Hebrews 12:1).